Purpose in Life

Why You Must Have Goals And Purpose

Humans are born to find meaning in life. Life may not be fair. Therefore, in order to live well, you ought to find meaning in it.

If we look at history; the meaning was the base pillar of anything that has ever been accomplished. No matter if it was a revolution, a masterpiece, or anything else.

If we look at humans’ courage going to war. They must have a meaning in it, otherwise having the guts to lose life, and victimizing oneself is actually a hard thing to do.

Dare to accomplish a challenging task, be it good, or bad is something to have a strong meaning behind it. All the most glorious and the evilest things are done by the power of meaning.

Life in its own aspect can be challenging if you don’t find any meaning in it. If you have a strong purpose behind why you are living you can achieve almost anything, and make the most out of it.

Those who do not have meaning for why they are living, either live a lousy life or go insane even may go suiciding.

The main success factor for the Mongol Empire, Chengiz Khan, was his strong desire to unify the Mongol tribes. Chengiz Khan was the Mongol Emperor who conquered more than half of the world.

Even if you look at other world’s warriors such as Alexander, Spartacus, Maharana Pratap and more. They had their own strong meaning for their campaign. I am not saying whether it was right or wrong. The point is to see the power of meaning behind whatever you do.

As an individual, if you do not have any meaning that supports your goals and vision in life, your goals can never be achieved. 

The number one reason people fail to reach their goals is having a weak purpose or even none. The moment they face seatbacks they easily quit. 

One to create greatness must bear difficulties, and to overcome difficulties must have a strong purpose to support their dreams.

Friedrich Nietzsche said: Who has a why can bear any how.

Dr. Viktor Frankl in his famous book Man’s Search for Meaning describes his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a purpose in life to feel positive about, and then immersively, imagining that outcome. According to Frankl, the way a prisoner imagined the future affected his longevity.

Man’s Search for Meaning is a 1946 book by Viktor Frankl chronicling his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. If you have not read it yet, I strongly recommend it to you.

One who does not have a goal in their life with a purpose is like a ship leaving the harbor wandering around without any destination, and that ship will crash somewhere and vanish.

Solomon said: People without vision will perish.

The whole universe as a whole is thriving. The universe never stands still, it’s constantly evolving. It has its own goals and vision. Each one of us is a part of the universe. If you are conscious of it or not you are playing your rule in this evolving machine. 

The seeds of evolving, thriving, growing are embedded in our spiritual genes. If you are not growing you’re dying. If you are not going forward you are going backward. There is not anything in between. 

Studies show that those who have a purpose in life, are happier, healthier, and live longer than those who don’t.

People with goals and purpose can overcome almost any difficulty than those who do not have any.

Always have a strong meaning behind whatever you do. The probability you will achieve anything in life is directly proportional to the purpose you have.

Imagine a building, the very foundation is the purpose, the body of it is the goal that is supported by the foundation. This is the mechanical way of conveying it. In a virtual way of saying; the very reason why you are making the building is called purpose; such as giving to charity, or helping your family, or anything that you think.

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