My Journey with Chronic Pain

In 2021, I worked in a construction material lab, where my job primarily required sitting behind a desk. During that time, I began experiencing pain in my shoulder and back, particularly around my shoulders and neck. This pain grew progressively worse, especially during the winter months.

Initial Struggles in the Workplace

I initially thought it would improve over time, but I ultimately left my job in early 2022 to focus on my own business, which involved blogging and creating videos for my YouTube channel.

In this blog post, I will share my experiences related to overcoming chronic pain and how it has led me to better posture and health.

Progression of Pain and Challenges

However, this new work also required long hours of sitting, and I noticed that my back pain was worsening. The longer I sat, the more I sweated, especially around my shoulders. I considered that my synthetic t-shirt might be the cause, so I switched to cotton, but it didn’t help. I changed my jacket and other clothing, yet the sweating persisted. By 2023, particularly in winter, my pain intensified, especially in my neck, making it nearly impossible to manage.

Hesitation to Seek Medical Help

I was hesitant to see a doctor due to a previous experience when I had a tight chest after a prolonged cough, and the doctors couldn’t provide a cure. I managed that issue on my own, which I documented in an article. I was reluctant to seek medical advice for my current pain, thinking it might be related to my posture. I could somehow manage it in 2023, but not entirely.

Discovering Effective Posture Techniques

Strengthening the Core Muscles

In 2024, I discovered effective posture techniques. One key insight was to strengthen my core, particularly the area around my abdominal muscles. I began focusing on strengthening those muscles.

Importance of Proper Sitting and Walking Posture

Another important realization was the need to sit and walk straight rather than leaning forward. I hadn’t realized that I was often sitting with my head forward and my back curved, which is detrimental to posture.

Developing Muscle Memory for Good Posture

I practiced maintaining good posture consistently. Initially, it was challenging to sit or walk straight, but over time, I developed muscle memory, making it easier to maintain proper alignment. Now, I can sit and stand straight, resembling a military posture. My back pain, especially around my shoulders, has completely disappeared.

The Role of Chin Tucking in Reducing Neck Pain

I also learned to keep my chin tucked, which significantly alleviated my neck pain. While I occasionally experience minor discomfort when I forget to maintain my posture, the majority of my pain has vanished. I found that many exercises I tried online, such as neck rotations, didn’t provide relief. Instead, focusing on posture proved to be the most effective solution.

Effective Exercises for Improving Posture

Side Planks for Core Strengthening

Each morning, I perform exercises like side planks, doing 12 to 15 repetitions on each side before starting my day. This routine has helped me manage my pain effectively.

The Benefits of the Tucked-Chin Position

The specific exercises I find most effective for improving my posture include doing side planks, especially in the morning after I get out of bed. Additionally, keeping my chin tucked can be very beneficial. This tucked-chin position helps alleviate back pain, particularly in the upper back around the shoulders, as it has a direct connection to neck pain.

Enhancing Workplace Comfort

Finding the Right Office Chair

I made specific changes to my workplace. I changed my office chair three times and now have one that’s very comfortable. The backrest can open and recline, allowing me to lie back a little, similar to lying on a bed but at a 30-degree angle. I meditate there and take moments to relax.

The Importance of an Adjustable Desk

The second important change is my adjustable desk. This desk can be controlled to lift up or down, with a minimum height of 40 centimeters and a maximum height of 120 centimeters. Sometimes I want to stand while working, so I adjust it to 120 centimeters. Other times, I prefer to sit, so I lower it accordingly. This feature is very beneficial and worth considering.

Recommendations for Adjustable Desks

There are many other adjustable desks available. I’m not affiliated with any specific brand, but you can find them on the IKEA website or Amazon if you’re interested.

The Impact of Chronic Pain on Daily Life and Well-Being

Reduced Productivity and Focus

This chronic pain affected my daily life significantly. I wasn’t productive, couldn’t work longer hours, and struggled to focus deeply on my tasks. I didn’t enjoy life; it was unimaginable.

Emotional and Psychological Effects

My mood was consistently poor, and I became impatient with many things. When you’re in pain, you attract anxiety, stress, and depression. These factors affect almost everything in your life.

Overcoming Chest Tightness: A Personal Journey to Wellness

Experiencing Chest Tightness and Seeking Medical Advice

I’ve written a separate article about this, and I’ll briefly discuss it here. In late 2022 and early 2023, I experienced a persistent cough for about one to two months. During that time, I coughed often and began to feel chest tightness. I visited a doctor, explained my situation, and underwent blood tests, but nothing was found. The doctor indicated it wasn’t asthma and suggested it could be heart spasms. She reassured me I’d improve over time, but I didn’t feel better.

The Role of Sleep and Sun Exposure in Recovery

Whenever I ran faster, walked quickly, or especially laughed, my chest would tighten, making it difficult to breathe after a hard laugh or intense physical activity. This was very challenging. In 2023, I managed to cope somewhat, but the issue wasn’t fully resolved.

Establishing a Healthier Sleep Routine

In 2024, I decided to change my routine. I began sleeping earlier and ensured I got more than six hours of sleep, often aiming for eight or even nine hours. Additionally, I started spending time in the sun. This was crucial; my wife and I went to a sunny beach in Istanbul four to five days a week during the summer, where we swam and sunbathed for about four to five hours before returning home. This sun exposure also helped me sleep longer.
After returning from the beach, I’d go to bed earlier, around 9:00 or 10:00 PM, and wake up later, around 8:00 or 9:00 AM. I experienced deep, restorative sleep, and I noticed my chest tightness began to disappear. I continued this routine throughout 2024, and ultimately, I was able to rid myself of the chest tightness.

Finding Effective Fitness Tips: A Personal Journey

Challenges with Online Advice

I explored many tips and pieces of advice online, but none worked effectively. Short videos from YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, in particular, didn’t yield results.

Experimenting with Different Methods

Over time, I realized that investing money in exercises wasn’t producing the desired outcomes.
Discovering Personalized Solutions
Finally, I found my own approach, thanks to ChatGPT. I also researched basic methods to strengthen the muscles in my belly. After testing numerous tips and pieces of advice, I ultimately discovered what worked well for me.

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